Practical Environmental Solutions, LLC

New Jersey Licensed Site Remediation Professionals (LSRPs)

A NJ Department of Environmental Protection Certified Company

Indoor Air / Vapor Intrusion

Are you required to test the indoor air at your site?

Contamination in the ground water may migrate up into the building from below, which is why indoor air quality / vapor intrusion concerns have become an increasingly larger focus of the NJDEP. Practical is experienced with this type of testing and interpretation of the results. We also design and install the systems that mitigate (remove) the contaminants. Additional information can be found at:

Are you concerned about the indoor air quality in your home or business?

Practical can test the indoor air and interpret the data for you. We will identify the source to the problem, if one exists. And we will develop a practical solution that suits your needs.

Call us today for a free quote:


Or click here to request a quote online.

Environment Consulting Services
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Environment Consulting Services

Practical Environmental provides its services throughout the entire state of New Jersey.