Practical Environmental Solutions, LLC

New Jersey Licensed Site Remediation Professionals (LSRPs)

A NJ Department of Environmental Protection Certified Company

Licensed Site Remediation Professional (LSRP)

In May 2009, New Jersey law regarding environmental investigation and remediation was changed significantly. The law, known as the “Site Remediation Reform Act” or “SRRA”, established a Licensed Site Remediation Professional (LSRP) program. LSRPs now have the responsibility for oversight of environmental investigation and cleanup as well as site closure. The Act becomes fully effective on May 7, 2012 and all sites will require that cleanup proceeds with a LSRP performing the work. LSRPs are bound by a strict code of ethics, violation of which could result in the assessment of penalties as well as suspension or revocation of their licenses.

The LSRP program allows the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) to retain authority over the remediation process while the LSRP manages the investigation and remediation of the site from day to day. Under SRRA, NJDEP approval is no longer required prior to proceeding with investigation and remediation. This results in contaminated sites being cleaned up more quickly.

Mandatory remediation timeframes for the completion of key phases of site remediation have been established and direct NJDEP oversight will be required in cases where the responsible party does not meet these timeframes. Direct oversight by the NJDEP may also be required for sites that pose the greatest risk to human health and the environment.

The LSRPs at Practical Environmental Solutions, LLC combine experience with superior service and efficiency to provide value to our clients resulting in the completion of projects on time and within budget. Our LSRPs always take the time to meet with you, explain complex regulations, and assist you with achieving compliance.

Start your project moving in the right direction now by contacting us for a free consultation.

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Environment Consulting Services
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Environment Consulting Services

Practical Environmental provides its services throughout the entire state of New Jersey.